We have changed the layout of the store a bit! Why don’t you come along and browse through the moved and new products?
The merchandise was already there, and the spot where it was, is now occupied by some of our larger Gundam sets. (and a stray Yoshi egg, but hey, you never know what could come out of it!) Don’t worry, we didn’t put the merch on the floor, the stuff is nice and prominent at the front of the store! Plushies, mugs, chopsticks, backpacks. All yours to take home! (if you pay first at least)
That’s not the only thing that has changed. The cabinet next to the dice cabinet (which contains a few beautiful sets) is filled with a healthy dose of FunkoPops! Have you ever wanted to have your favorite character in a small size with a comically large head? Now’s your chance!
See you soon!